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  • Keywords: Male
George Cassie & Son Ltd
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1822 - 1982
Jake and Dinos Chapman
London, England
Hugh Brown
Crathie, Scotland, 1838 - 1896
James Dixon & Sons
Sheffield, England, c.1806 - 1984
Autumn Brooch by David Andersen
Oslo, Norway, founded 1876
Dessert Spoon by James and Patrick Riach
Forres, Scotland, active 1817 - 1859
Suede Roundtoe Shoes
Sheffield, England, founded 1875
Frank Usher
London, England, founded 1946
Silver Inkwell by James Deakin and Sons
Sheffield, England, 1866 - c.1940
Teaspoon by Peter Gill
Aberdeen, Scotland, active c.1812 - 1849