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Open Access Images - Fine Art

Open Access Images - Fine Art

Aberdeen Archives, Gallery & Museums has released the images of these out of copyright works into the public domain under the Creative Commons 0 license (CC0). CC0 allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, with no conditions.

This means that these images are now free for everybody to download and can be used for any purpose that you wish. Find the download button alongside the images of the objects in this Selection and set your favourite Goose Girl as your phone, tablet, or computer background, or create your own original work of art using digital pieces of Aberdeen’s collection.

We're always interested to hear how our images have been used, so please feel free to let us know on social media or leave some feedback at

Collection Highlights
To Pastures New
Sir James Guthrie
La Falaise à Fécamp
Claude Monet
George Hitchcock
Joseph Farquharson