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Re-framing the Collection

Exhibition Info
Re-framing the Collection15 October 2022 - 29 January 2023

In common with museums and galleries locally, nationally and internationally, we are working to uncover and share the full history of objects in Aberdeen Archives, Gallery & Museums’ collection.

The thousands of objects in our care belong to the people of Aberdeen. We want everyone from across our diverse communities to connect with and feel pride in the collection. Through research, re-interpretation and re-display we can ‘re-frame’ objects to give them meaning and relevance to as many people as possible.

14 results
Sugar Tongs made by James Erskine
James Erskine
1792 - 1818
Head of a Man
Neville Lewis
Head of a Man
Neville Lewis
Malay Girl
Neville Lewis
Pondo Woman
Neville Lewis
Black Venus
John Austen
Claude Rogers
Map Picture (George VI) sewn by Miss Jean Ferrans
Miss Jean Ferrans