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Image Not Available for Typescript of Speech Given by George Shepherd
Typescript of Speech Given by George Shepherd
Image Not Available for Typescript of Speech Given by George Shepherd

Typescript of Speech Given by George Shepherd

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1913 - 1985)
Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1834)
Object NameSpeech
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
Dimensions33 x 20.3cm
AcquisitionThe George Shepherd Pharmaceutical Collection.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS079242
Letter Regarding Red Water Cure
Davidson & Kay
27 July 1877
Letter Regarding Red Water Cure
Davidson & Kay
8 September 1877
Letter Regarding Red Water Cure
Davidson & Kay
23 July 1877
Letter Regarding Red Water Cure
Davidson & Kay
18 July 1876