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Advert for Davidson's Red Water Cure
Advert for Davidson's Red Water Cure
Advert for Davidson's Red Water Cure
Advert for Davidson's Red Water Cure

Advert for Davidson's Red Water Cure

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1834)
Object NameAdvertisement
Mediumink on paper
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
Dimensions25.3 x 15.5cm
AcquisitionThe George Shepherd Pharmaceutical Collection.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS081295
About MeThis advert for Red Water cure has testimonies from customers who recommend the product on the reverse.

Davidson's "Red Water Cure" was a mixture sold to cure Babesiosis or Red Water in cattle. This disease is spread by parasites like ticks and can affect productivity and fertility.

We do not currently know what was in the Cure, but letters in the collections show it was considered effective. It seems to have been particularly popular in the west of Ireland, with many requests for Davidson & Kay to send it from Aberdeen. We believe some of these letters were solicited as "testimonials" by Davidson & Kay for use in advertising such as this.

Davidson & Kay Limited was an Aberdeen pharmacy business with a history reaching back to the 1834, and possibly earlier.
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Advert for Red Water Cure
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Letter Regarding Red Water Cure
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16 June 1924
Letter Regarding Red Water Cure
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27 July 1877