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Image Not Available for Salmoor (993) Salmaster (994) Salmaid (995) Firehose Baskets & Nozzle Stowage
Salmoor (993) Salmaster (994) Salmaid (995) Firehose Baskets & Nozzle Stowage
Image Not Available for Salmoor (993) Salmaster (994) Salmaid (995) Firehose Baskets & Nozzle Stowage

Salmoor (993) Salmaster (994) Salmaid (995) Firehose Baskets & Nozzle Stowage

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1864 - 1992)
Associated (Mooring and Salvage Vessel built 1985)
Associated (built 1986)
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Object numberABDMS047317.18