Recessed Label Shop Round TINCT: LAVAND: CO: (Compound Tincture of Lavender)
AssociatedAssociated with
Davidson & Kay
(Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1834)
Dateearly 20th Century
Object NameShop Round
Mediumglass and liquid contents
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
DimensionsLength: 25.5cm
Width: 10cm
Width: 10cm
AcquisitionThe George Shepherd Pharmaceutical Collection.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS089245
Maker's mark on base is hexagonal with the letters Y G Co (York Glass Company). Contains a small amount of dark purple liquid.
Davidson & Kay
early 20th Century
Davidson & Kay
early 20th Century
Davidson & Kay
Davidson & Kay
c. 1900