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AB/B/73 Copper Alloy Ring from Broad Street 1973 excavation
AB/B/73 Copper Alloy Ring from Broad Street 1973 excavation
AB/B/73 Copper Alloy Ring from Broad Street 1973 excavation

AB/B/73 Copper Alloy Ring from Broad Street 1973 excavation

Date13th -14th Century
Object NameRing
Mediumcopper alloy
ClassificationsArchaeology Excavated
DimensionsApproximately: Diameter: 22 mm
Overall: Thickness: 1.5 mm
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS003712
About MeSite: 12 - 26 Broad Street
NGR: NJ 963 064
Place: Broad Street, Aberdeen
Ctext / Per: Trench 3, Layer 22, Phase 3
Desc: Whole: Form: Sub-circular with part outer edge flattened.

Stones ja:in:murray jc (ed):excavations in the medieval burgh of aberdeen 1973=1981:sas monograph series 2:1982:p186 ill 107 no61
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