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Image Not Available for Metal Suppository Mould
Metal Suppository Mould
Image Not Available for Metal Suppository Mould

Metal Suppository Mould

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1834)
Dateearly 20th Century
Object NameSuppository Mould
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
Dimensions3 × 9cm
AcquisitionThe George Shepherd Pharmaceutical Collection.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS093092
Suppository Mould
Davidson & Kay
early 20th Century
Suppository Mould
Davidson & Kay
late 19th-early 20th Century
Suppository-Pessary Mould
Davidson & Kay
Suppository-Pessary Mould
Davidson & Kay
Cachet Machine And Rice Wafers
Davidson & Kay
late 19th-mid 20th Century
Cachet Machine
Davidson & Kay
early 20th Century
6 Cachet? Moulds
Davidson & Kay
late 19th-mid 20th Century
Cachet Machine
Davidson & Kay
late 19th-early 20th Century
6 Cachet? Moulds
Davidson & Kay
late 19th-mid 20th Century
Cachet Making Machine
Davidson & Kay
late 19th-early 20th Century
Cachet Machine
Davidson & Kay
late 19th Century
Pill Silverer
Davidson & Kay