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Constitution of the Women's Freedom League
Constitution of the Women's Freedom League
Constitution of the Women's Freedom League
Constitution of the Women's Freedom League

Constitution of the Women's Freedom League

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1874 - 1956)
Object NameLeaflet
Mediumpaper and ink
DimensionsFolded: 23.7 × 18.4cm
Unfolded: 23.7 × 36.8cm
AcquisitionPresented in 1988.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS082702
About MeThis is part of a collection of documents relating to Caroline Phillips (1874-1956), an Aberdonian journalist who was involved in the women's suffrage movement. The collection contains important correspondence between Phillips and key leaders in the suffrage movement, including Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst.

(Formerly Women's Social and Political Union)



Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer Hon Organising Secretary
B.Sc., A.R.C.S.



NAME-The Women's Freedom League, formerly Women's Social and Political Union.
OBJECTS-To Secure for women the Parliamentary Vote as it is or may be granted to men; to use the power thus obtained to establish equality of rights and opportunities between the sexes, and to promote the social and industrial well-being of the community.
METHODS-The objects of the League shall be promoted by-
l. Action entirely independent of all political parties.
2. Opposition to whatever Government is in power until such time as the franchise
is granted.
3. Participation in Parliamentary Elections; at Bye-elections in opposition to the Government candidate and independently of all other candidates.
4. Vigorous agitation upon lines justified by the position of outlawry to which women are at present condemned.
5. The organising of women all over the country to enable them to give adequate
expression to their desire for political freedom.
6. Education of public opinion by the usual methods, such as public meetings,
demonstrations, debates, distribution of literature, newspaper correspondence, and deputations to public representatives and other bodies and their members.
MEMBERSHIP-Women of all shades of political opinion who approve the objects and methods of the League, and who are prepared to act independently of party, are eligible for membership. All members must approve, though they need not actually participate in militant action.
I. Committee and Officials
(1) That the National Executive Committee be composed of an Hon. Treasurer, General Secretary and Organising Secretary, who shall be ex-officio members, and 12 members, to be nominated by the Branches and appointed by the Conference. The two Secretaries may be paid if circumstances demand it.
(2) Organisers are eligible for election, provided always that not more than one quarter of the elected members are salaried persons.
(3) That the National Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month, and the place of meeting may be changed, so that demonstrations may be held and Branches visited in different parts of the country.
(4) That the National Executive Committee shall form such Sub-Committees as are found to be necessary (e.g., Political, Financial, Organising, Literary, Social Work &C.) and shall have power to co—opt one or more members of the League on these Sub-Committees. It shall require reports from these bodies to be submitted at its Monthly Meeting.
(5) That the National Executive Committee may appoint such Assistant Officers, paid or unpaid, as subsequent occasion may demand.
(6) That special work may at any time be given to a Sub-Committee appointed by the Executive, such Committee to dissolve when the special work is completed.
(7) That the National Executive Committee shall not initiate any new policy between one Conference and the next.
(8) That seven members of the National Committee shall form a quorum, only two of whom may be paid officials.
(9)a. That in the case of vacancies, temporary or permanent, occurring among the members (other than official), on the National Executive Committee between the Conferences, the unsuccessful candidate receiving the largest number of votes at the preceding Conference shall fill the vacancy. The member so appointed shall retire in the case of a temporary vacancy on return of the original member.
(9)b. That is case of a temporary or a permanent vacancy occurring among the officials on the National Executive Committee between the Conferences, the vacant offices shall be filled by a member chosen by the National Executive Committee from its own body. In the case of a temporary vacancy the member so appointed shall retire on the return of the original official.
(10) That in the event of the number of unsuccessful candidates being exhausted by some special emergency the National Executive Committee shall have power to co-opt temporary members to act during the period of special stress.
(11) That the Committee shall have the right to suspend any member or members who, after due defence, shall be considered by the Committee to have acted in a manner at variance with, or prejudicial to, the objects and methods of the League. That the matter shall be brought before the Annual Conference next following, which alone shall, by a majority, have power to expel such Member or Members form the League.
II Branches
(l) That Branches having paid their affiliation fees shall be entitled to representation at the conference.
(2) That the minimum affiliation fee be 5s. yearly per Branch. per Delegate.
(3) That the basis of representation be one Delegate for any number from 12 up to 50 members, after which an extra Delegate will be allowed for the major part of 50 - an affiliation fee being paid for each Delegate.
(4) That no Branch shall be represented at the Conference which has not been in existence for three months prior to such Conference. That no Branch having less than 12 members shall be recognised or entitled to representation at the Conference.
(5) That if a Member of the League belong to two Branches she shall only vote with one Branch on any matter which affects the League at large.
III Conference
(1) That the ultimate power of the League be the Annual Conference.
(2) That the Annual Conference by held in January, the exact date to be fixed by the National Executive Committee, and that the place of Meeting be chosen from year to year by the Delegates at the Conference. The place of Meeting for the Conference of 1909 be London.
(3) That all general resolutions submitted to the Annual Conference shall be drafted from the Suffragist standpoint, emphasising the evil result of the exclusion of Women from Citizenship and the urgency of their demand for the Vote.
(4) That Special Conferences may be called if one-third of the Branches desire it.
(5) That the expenses of Delegates to the Conference be pooled in order that each Branch shall pay an equal share of expenses.
(6) That a Report of the Work done during the year, including work (printed copy of the W.F.L. constitution) done by Organisers be given fully in the Annual Report.


Please enrol me as a Member of the Women's Freedom League
I enclose £ : : as an annual subscription to the funds of the League

This slip to be returned to the Hon. Secretary W.F.L., 18 Buckingham St., Strand, London.

More About Me

Aberdeen had a strong women's suffrage movement, led by the local journalist Caroline Phillips. Much thought and debate must have gone into every word in this document to ensure it affected all those who read it.

Invitation from WSPU to Caroline Phillips
The National Women's Social and Political Union (NWSPU)
21 September 1907
Winter Syllabus for the Women's Freedom League
Women's Freedom League (WFL)
Invitation to Meeting of Edinburgh National Society for Women's Suffrage
Edinburgh National Society for Women's Suffrage (ENWSS)
5 October 1907
Suffrage Badges
Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU)
c. 1913
Postcard of Christabel Pankhurst sent from T. C. Matthews to Mrs J. Mackenzie
Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU)
23 December 1913
Postcard from Caroline Phillips to Mrs Pankhurst
Caroline Phillips
14 December 1907
Flyers for Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) Procession in Edinburgh
Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU)
5 October 1907
Public Notice for Meeting at the Music Hall
Christabel Pankhurst
22 February 1908
NUWSS Banner
National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (Aberdeen)
List of Events
Caroline Phillips
12-19 December 1907
Telegram to Miss Caroline Phillips
Caroline Phillips
3 March 1908
'Votes for Women' Postcard
Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU)
Suffragette Brooch
Caroline Phillips