G.P.O. Transport Token (Aberdeen)
IssuerIssued by
Aberdeen Corporation Tramways
(Aberdeen, Scotland)
Datec. 1930-c. 1958
Object NameToken
DimensionsOverall: Diameter: 22 mm, Thickness: 2 mm
AcquisitionCaptain J Harvey Loutit Bequest, 1969.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS013436.7
About MeA set of small plastic tokens stamped with various fare values; one of the set has a letter P (for use by police) while another has GPO (for post-office staff); all bear the Aberdeen coat-of-arms on the other side. Some of the tokens bear the word 'tramways' while others have 'transport': this provides a clue to the date of issue since the name of the transport department was altered following the introduction of motor buses in the mid-1920s.Aberdeen Corporation Transport was one of many transport operators in Britain who issued brightly-coloured plastic tokens for use by such groups as public employees and school pupils.
20th Century