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Image Not Available for Printing block for advertisement of "The Holiday Drinking Cup"
Printing block for advertisement of "The Holiday Drinking Cup"
Image Not Available for Printing block for advertisement of "The Holiday Drinking Cup"

Printing block for advertisement of "The Holiday Drinking Cup"

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1825 - 1997)
Datemid 20th-late 20th Century
Object NamePrinting Block
Mediumwood, metal
ClassificationsScience And Technology
DimensionsOverall (Height x Width x Depth): 22 × 50 × 68mm
AcquisitionPresented in 2022.
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS095688.6
About MeWooden block with carved illustration in relief. In the top left corner is a circle with the image of a bull (?) and the words "TRADE MARK" alongside the inscription "THE HOLIDAY // DRINKING // CUP // INVALUABLE // COMPANION // FOR // TOURISTS TRAVELLERS // EXCURSIONISTS &c" There is a stack of cups running diagonally across the image, with a further inscription half way down the left side "UNBREAKABLE // MADE OF // THE FINEST // TASTELESS // HORN".
S R Stewart & Co
mid 20th-late 20th Century
E34 Building Materials
12th-early 20th Century