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Little Family Doctor
"Little Family Doctor" Play Medical Kit
Little Family Doctor
Little Family Doctor

"Little Family Doctor" Play Medical Kit

Object NameToy
Mediumpaper, rubber and wood
ClassificationsToys and Games
Dimensions6.5 x 27 x 16.7cm
AcquisitionPresented in 1991.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS021783
About MeA small black leatherette case containing a play medical kit.

The case has a metal handle and clasp on the front and is inscribed on the outside of the case "Little / FAMILY DOCTOR / Copyright James McGowan Associates New York Made in United States.

The inside of the case is lined with mottled white and blue paper and contains several folded card compartments. The play set contains the following:
A black plastic toy stethoscope.
3 'bottles' carved from wood and painted red. These do not open but 2 rattle when shaken (there is no opening), presumably to replicate pill bottles.
1 thermometer and tongue depressor secured to a piece of red card inscribed "PLAY FEVER THERMOMETER / PLAY TONGUE DEPRESSOR / Always Keep These Instruments Sanitary" in blue ink.
1 blue cardboard box containing cotton wool. the exterior of the box is inscribed "PLAYLAND / HOSPITAL / COTTON", "A Great Aid to / Playland Doctor or Nurse", "Use Only / A Small Piece / at a Time" and "JAMES McGOWAN / ASSOCIATES / New York City / (c) Made in U.S.A.
1 white envelope with red printed inscription "Playland Hospital Brand / GAUZE BANDAGE / CUT UP AS NEEDED / DISTRIBUTED BY / JAMES McGOWAN ASSOCIATES - NEW YORK" and containing a small piece of white gauze.
2 white envelopes (empty) inscribed "CANDY PILL / ENVELOPE / INSTRUCTIONS TO / LITTLE FAMILY DOCTOR OR NURSE- / In special Cases Give Patient One or / Two Candy Pills in This Envelope".
2 pink paper slips titled "PLAYLAND HOSPITAL / RECORD SHEET"; one partially competed with details of a "patient".
1 pink paper slip titled "HEIGHT and WEIGHT CHART / AVERAGE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS" with a table giving height in inches and weight in pounds.
2 pink paper prescription slips.
1 pink paper certificate inscribed "Diploma / this is to certify that / [handwritten name] / has fulfilled all the requirements for the degree of / Playland Doctor [ P. D.] / and is entitled to all its rights and privileges. / College of Medicine / Playland, U.S.A.
1 blue printed leaflet entitled "DOCTOR / BOOK" and printed with instructions about how to use each of the contents.
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