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Image Not Available for Male Urinal (5)
Male Urinal (5)
Image Not Available for Male Urinal (5)

Male Urinal (5)

Object NameUrinal
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
Dimensions12.5 x 11.3 x 24.2cm
AcquisitionKenneth A Webster Nursing Collection.
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS032055
About MeThese were carried to patient under urine cloth (which were sometimes in short supply), failure to cover the urinal to or from the patient was sure to result in a strong reprimand. Glass allowed rapid observation of type and quantity of urine which might need to be measured and analysed. On night duty if men were aware urinals were in short supply they would ask for them early and conceal them for use during the night. Sometimes patients would put the full urinal on top of their lockers, these had to be retrieved quickly before being spotted by trained staff.
Papier Mache Male Urinal
possibly 1980-1990
Plastic Male Urinal
Peterhead Cottage Hospital
Possibly 1930
Foresterhill College
1970s - 1990s
Breast Reliever
Boots Cash Chemists