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Image Not Available for Laryngeal Mirrors (X9)
Laryngeal Mirrors (X9)
Image Not Available for Laryngeal Mirrors (X9)

Laryngeal Mirrors (X9)

Date1950 - 1960
Object NameMirror
Mediummetal glass
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
AcquisitionKenneth A Webster Nursing Collection.
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS048035
Suction Cannula
1950 - 1960
Aberdeen City Hospital for Infectious Diseases
possibly 1930-1940
Vicarey Davidson
1940 - 1948
Mastoid Chisel
Down Brothers Limited
1930 - 1940
Allen and Hanbury Limited
1910s - 1940s
Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital
1950s - 1970s