Eternal Beau Napkin Ring
ManufacturerManufactured by
Johnson Brothers
(Hanley, England, 1883 - 2015)
DesignerDesigned by
Sarina Mascheroni
Object NameNapkin Ring
AcquisitionPresented in 2002 by Mr & Mrs S Ward.
LocationUnlocated - ongoing site audits are expected to resolve unconfirmed locations
Object numberABDMS065569
About MeOctagonal shaped earthenware napkin ring with two small feet. This octagonal 'Heritage' shape features the 'Eternal Beau' pattern in underglaze transfer print designed by Sarina Mascheroni in 1982. The napkin ring was given to the donor, along with other 'Eternal Beau' items, as a wedding gift from family and friends, on their Wedding Day 15 September 1990.