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Image Not Available for Savlodil Sachet
Savlodil Sachet
Image Not Available for Savlodil Sachet

Savlodil Sachet

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1967 - 2003)
Object NameSavlodil
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
Dimensions5.4 x 14.61cm (sachet)
AcquisitionKenneth A Webster Nursing Collection.
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS048765
Blade for Humby's Knife
Foresterhill College
circa 1967
Peterhead Cottage Hospital
1950s - 1960s
Mcindoe's Scissors B
Downs Surgical
1980 - 1990
Mcindoe's Scissors
Seward (2000)
1980 - 1990