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Image Not Available for Hot Milk Jug
Hot Milk Jug
Image Not Available for Hot Milk Jug

Hot Milk Jug

Silversmith (Paris, France, 1860 - 1901)
Object NameJug
ClassificationsApplied Art
DimensionsHeight: 12.6 cm
Handle To Spout: 9.5cm
z Base: 6.2cm
AcquisitionAcquired in 1981.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDAG008523
Hot Milk Jug
John Baillie
c. 1740
James Dixon & Sons
1895 - 1896
Chocolate Pot
Adam Graham
c. 1760
Fenton Brothers
1896 - 1897
Silver Coffee Pot
Adrian Hope
Teapot by George Booth
George Booth
1800 - 1830
Teapot by George Robertson
George Robertson
1708 - 1727
James Dixon & Sons
1895 - 1896
Teapot by George Cooper
George Cooper
c. 1730
Silver Cream/Milk Jug
Patricia Hamilton
Tea Strainer by George Jamieson
George Jamieson
Octangonal Teacaddy by John Mair
John Mair
1789 - 1795
Cream Jug by William Jamieson
William Jamieson
c. 1820
Oval Basket Sugar Bowl by John Leslie
John Leslie
c. 1790