Ellis & McHardy Limited, Aberdeen
Ellis & McHardy, Coal Merchants, 21, Regent Quay, and 132, Union Street, Aberdeen. In Aberdeen, as in all other large populative centres, the coal trade is a highly important branch of commercial activity, and in this line of operations a prominent and representative position has for upwards of ten yesars been held by Messrs. Ellis & McHardy, a firm whose headquarters are at 21, Regent Quay, Aberdeen. A branch establishment of the same concern exists at 132, Union Street, and the large coal depot and stores of the house are at Provost Jamieson's Quay. The buisness under notice originated in 1879 under the auspices of Mr. John Ellis, who was joined in 1883 by Mr. Charles McHardy, and these two experienced gentlemen remain the joint proprietors of the house, which has achieved conspicuous success under their energetic asdministration. The premesis occupied at Regent Quay and those in Union Street comprise spacious and handsomely appointed offices, where a numerous clerical staff is employed in connection with the routine work of a very extensive and increasing buisness. At Provost Jamieson's Quay, Messrs. Ellis & McHardy have an establishment of quite a different stamp, for here they possess storage accomodation extending over a large area, and containing vast supplies of coal of every description, including all the well-known English varieties for household, steam, forge, and other purposes, together with the characteristic products of the Scotch coalfields, adapted for the same and other uses. These extensive stocks of coal are replenished by constant importations brought from the great sources of original supply direct to Aberdeen in the firm's own steamers, whose berths are alongside the stores; and that part of Provost Jamieson's Quay occupied by Messrs. Ellis & McHardy certainly exhibits one of the most comprehensive assortments of "black diamonds" to be found anywhere in norhtern Scotland. The excellence of the coal supplied by this house has long been recognised and appreciated, and the reputation enjoyed in this respect continues to be maintained and extended, to the advantage alike of the firm and of their many customers. The great activity always prevailing at Messrs. Ellis & McHardy's coal depot affords ample evidence of the magnitude of the trade carried on, and the superior character of that trade is not less noteworthy, the firm's connection being extensively and influentially developed among the leading ship-owners of the port, the public works and industrial establishment of the city, and householders generally throughout this part of the country. Indeed, the operations of the buisness take effect all over Aberdeenshire, Kincardinshire and Banffshire; and customers in the immediate neighbourhood of the granite city have their coal delivered by the firm's numerous lorries and carts, while to the country the delivery is effected by the railway companies' waggons. Altogether, this is one of the most prosperous and progressive norhtern concerns in the coal trade, and its success and rapid advancement constitute a high tribute to the ability and enterprise of Messrs. Ellis & McHardy, whose unfailing courtesy and straightforward commercial methods have won the respect and confidence of all with whom they transact buisness.