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Alexander Forbes
Alexander Forbes
Alexander Forbes

Alexander Forbes

Aberdeen, Scotland
Re-framing the Collection
Aberdeen merchant involved in the sale of goods (including rum) imported from slave plantations during the 19th century.
University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, active 1980
Aberdeen City Council
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded 1996
Presentation Snuff Box by Nathaniel Mills
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1809 - 1892
James Fenton Wyness
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1903 - 1974
Alexander Ellis
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1830 - 1917
Rachel Annand Taylor
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1876 - 1960
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded 1495
View of St Machar Cathedral from River Don
Aberdeen, Scotland
Silver Angel Brooch sold by Jamieson and Carry
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded 1933
Music Hall
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded 1852