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R. Stewart
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R. Stewart

Elgin, Scotland
Senatus Room - Marischal College
Elgin, Scotland, 1848 - 1933
Neil Dallas Brown
Elgin, Scotland, 1938 - 2003
Neil MacPherson
Elgin, Scotland, born 1954
Margaret Hardie Hasluck
Elgin, Scotland, 1885 - 1948
Pocket Watch by the Elgin National Watch Company
Elgin, Illinois, USA, 1864 - 1968
Keith Hall, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1849 - 1915
Presentation Snuff Box by Nathaniel Mills
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1809 - 1892
James Fenton Wyness
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1903 - 1974
Methlick, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1862 - 1938
Alexander Ellis
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1830 - 1917
Professor William Robertson Smith
Keig, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1846 - 1894
Rachel Annand Taylor
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1876 - 1960
Chivas Brothers Limited
Strathisla, Keith, Scotland, founded 1786