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4-38 King's Crescent

Geophysical survey by Aberdeen City Council Archaeological Unit in 1990 across an area of 6000 sq metres ahead of proposed road development, recorded a number of anomalies. Some represented relatively modern features, but they included evidence of the Skene and Goodbrands Ropeworks which crossed the development site, and which is depicted on the OS 1st and 2nd edition maps. Eight trenches were excavated in the northwestern part of the area (in the supposed area of the leper hospital (NJ90NW0016)) to target the anomalies and test the depth of deposits. The depth of modern overburden ranged from 1m at the southern end to 4m in the north. Post-holes and stake-holes recorded in one trench may have been medieval features but the depth of overburden prohibited further excavation. Further watching brief in 1994-5 during construction of a new road (Mounthooly) revealed no evidence of the Leper Hospital.

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