Excavation by Aberdeen City Council Archaeological Unit in May 1995 prior to development recorded only 19th and 20th century layers. A small area between Provost Ross's House and Trinity Congregational Church was excavated prior to the area being developed as an extension to Aberdeen Maritime Museum. The site, on the South facing slope of St Catherine's Hill, appears to have been well developed by 1661, and the modern street probably follows the line of the medieval one. No archaeological remains were found in this area on the south slope of St Katherine's Hill as the area had been heavily disturbed in earlier periods. A small number of abraded medieval pottery sherds were recovered but no medieval material in situ. Development of this area, including building of Union Street, may have removed any medieval deposits from the rear (North) of the site, whilst 19th century cellars on the frontage of Shiprow had similarly destroyed earlier deposits. The finds from this site are in the collections of Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums.