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  • Thesaurus: Humility
Stoneware Large Bottle with Beaten Sides
Richard Batterham
late 20th-early 21th Century
Stoneware Large Bottle with Chatter Marks
Richard Batterham
late 20th-early 21th Century
Stoneware Large Footed Bowl or Tazza
Richard Batterham
late 20th-early 21th Century
Orange, Red and Golden Lustre Bowl
Alan Caiger-Smith MBE
Stoneware Medium Dish with Pale Green Ash Glaze
Richard Batterham
late 20th-early 21th Century
Stoneware Medium Jug with Green Ash and Celadon Glaze
Richard Batterham
late 20th-early 21th Century
Stoneware Handled Dish with Green Ash Glaze
Richard Batterham
late 20th-early 21th Century
Stoneware Small Cut-Sided Jar with Mottled Green Ash Glaze
Richard Batterham
late 20th-early 21th Century