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Shipbuilder (Footdee, Aberdeen)
Object NameSHIP
Dimensionslength 149' 3" x breadth 26' 1" x depth 17'
440tons Old Measurement - 570 NM
Object numberABDSHIP001065
About MeYard: Alexander Hall & Co.
Yard Number: 177

Fate: wrecked off Mauritius in a hurricane carrying a cargo of bullocks from Madagascar on 27 March 1873.

Propulsion: Sail
Description: Ship rigged with clipper bow.

1851: Taylor & Potter, registered in Liverpool.
1861: J. Wardley & Co.
1867: Mcpherson.
1870: J. Brodie.

1852: Master Captain A. Enright, Chief Officer Partridge.
1856: Master S. McLelland.
1862: Master S. Roy.
1863: Master J. Mitchell.
1867: Master McPherson.
1871: Master Seaward.
1872: Master J. Ahier.

General History:
On her maiden voyage her best daily run was 320 miles; top speed 14 knots, 29,837 miles in 206 days. On the China run made London to Hong Kong in 102 days with a crew of 24.

CHRYSOLITE raced the American clipper MEMNON through the treacherous coral reef at Island of Banca where the MEMNON was wrecked. The brokers were so impressed the CHRYSOLITE was able to command a guinea extra freight.

In 1852 she won the race home from China with the new seasons teas against the STORNOWAY.
(Basil Lubbock (1914) "The China Clippers" (James Brown & Son, Glasgow), pp. 110-16)

'Remarkable passages by Aberdeen Clippers -
We observe also that the fine ship "CHRYSOLITE" of Liverpool, which was launched here last spring, has fully realized the expectations which were then entertained of her sailing capabilities having made the passage out and home from China in the shortest passage ever known. The Liverpool mail says "Our American friends have been making great struggles to beat us in the China trade with their clipper built ships. We are happy, however, to lay before our readers an account of the most rapid passage ever made to China and back. The ship "CHRYSOLITE", one of the famous Aberdeen clippers, the property of Messrs Taylor, Potter & Co., under the command of Captain Enright, left this port for China on the 24th April 1851, where she arrived in 102 days. Here she discharged and took in cargo and left Whampoa for Liverpool on the 19th August and arrived home on the 1st December. The entire passage out and home, including her detention in China, occupied seven months and six days; being the quickest passage ever made. It should also be stated that the CHRYSOLITE came home short-handed, seven or eight men having deserted in China to go to the diggings in Australia."
... So far as this season's rivalry between British and American clippers in the China trade has been tested by their performances, the British builders have the best of it.'
(Aberdeen Journal)

Beautiful clipper ship CHRYSOLITE was built at Aberdeen by Hall & Sons for enterprising firm of Taylor & Potter for the China trade. She reached Liverpool 1st Dec. after 2 surprisingly rapid voyages of 102 days out and 104 days home, having been absent 7 months & 6 days and having completely beaten the American ship MEMNON, which sailed from Whampoa 3 days before CHRYSOLITE, but she came up with Memnon on the 21st day, tried with her for 15 hours in a dead heat to windward through Casper Straits, beat her completely and left her 9 and a half miles astern. After this CHRYSOLITE fell in with H.M. frigate HAVANNAH, a very fine & fast sailing vessel. The two were in company for 15 days & the frigate could not leave her. Officers of HAVANNAH acknowledged she was the only ship that had been able to hold with them during their commission. CHRYSOLITE made a voyage from Liverpool to Anjer (Java) in 56 days, 9 days faster than previous fastest time by American clipper Oriental. She is well able to lead the fastest of the boasted American clippers & we understand was built expressly to contest with the Oriental. She is 440 tons (NM) and 570 tons (OM), but carries nearly 900 tons tea. The Aberdeen bow & the new law on tonnage measurement allow fast sailing & large tonnage burthen to be combined ... rate of sailing by the wind 9 and a half, 10 and a half knots, and going free all sail, 11, 12 and 13 and a half for many days together. She is very easy in all weathers. Running before heavy gales or hove to.
(Adelaide Observer)

CHRYSOLITE, expected daily from China, is the celebrated clipper ship whose extraordinary passages in opposition to the Oriental have excited so much attention in England.
(Maitland Mercury (NSW))

CHRYSOLITE, ship, arrived from Glasgow. (Left 20th November)
(Mount Alexander Mail (Victoria))

William Blackhall, seaman of ship CHRYSOLITE, sentenced to 14 days imprisonment for wilful disobedience aboard 15 May & to receive medical treatment, he complained of pain in his back.
(Sydney Empire)

CHRYSOLITE, master Roy, sailed 26 may for Hong Kong.
(Sydney Empire)

CHRYSOLITE, from London, arrived 14 Jan. port Philip Heads. (Melbourne)
(The Star (Victoria))

CHRYSOLITE sailed 24 March from port Philip Heads for Calcutta.
(The Australian)

wrecked off Mauritius in a hurricane carrying a cargo of bullocks from Madagascar on 27 March 1873. (David R. MacGregor (1983), “The Tea Clippers: Their History and Development 1833-1875 (Conway Maritime, London), p. 57)

Notes: Cost £9,719. (Builder's List in the Lloyd's Library of the Aberdeen Maritime Museum)
Converted to barque in 1870.
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