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Shipbuilder (Shipbuilder, Footdee, Aberdeen 1839 - 1881)
Object NameCLIPPER
Dimensionslength 137 7/12' x breadth 25 1/12' x depth 18 1/3'
gross tonnage: 467 ton
Object numberABDSHIP000324
About MeYard: Walter Hood & Co.

Fate: Reported Missing bound from Doboy to Barrow, 1873. Had a crew of 13.

Propulsion: Sail
Description: Ship rigged clipper, 1 and a half poop decks, 3 masts, standing bowsprit, square stern, carvel built, imitation galleries, male figurehead.

1848: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
George Thompson Jnr, shipbuilder, 36 shares; James Buyers, merchant, 12 shares; John Thomson, shipmaster, 8 shares
Other shareholders;
Walter Hood, shipbuilder, 4 shares; George Watson, shipowner, 4 shares; all Aberdeen.
(Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))
1866: Vanner & Co.
1871: C. Sayer, Liverpool

1848-53: Master J. Thompson.
1856: Master B. Grant.
1857-58: Master Henry.
1860-62: Master J. Mann.
1863-71: Master J. Allan.

Voyages (Lloyd's):
1848-49: Aberdeen - Singapore
1850-53: London - China (tea and silk).
1856: Liverpool (repairs)
1857-58: London - Australia
1860: Aberdeen - Quebec
1861: London - New Zealand
1862: Aberdeen - Quebec
1863-65: London
1866-68: London - China
1869-71: London - New Zealand

General History:
'Another Remarkably Rapid Passage From China By An Aberdeen Clipper'
'...the 'JOHN BUNYAN,' another Aberdeen ship, which, in the previous spring, when perhaps more favourably situated as regards the monsoons, made the voyage from Shanghae [sic] - three days sail farther than Canton - in 99 days, and which, though registering only 470 tons, brought about 720 tons of cargo.'
(Aberdeen Journal)

'Emigrant ship JOHN BUNYAN, arrived Adelaide 21st May from Liverpool 13th Feb. 60 passengers English, 181 Scotch, 99 Irish, total 340. 5 births during voyage & 28 deaths of children under 4 years. Ship was becalmed for 3 weeks on the Equator.
(South Australian Register)

Obituary of Mrs Christina Borwick, nee Sinclair who travelled with her parents, Mr & Mrs Peter Sinclair from Kirkwall, Orkney, and 5 sisters and 2 brothers on the above voyage: Most emigrants were farm and domestic workers.
(Adelaide Chronicle)

'Arrived 4th August, JOHN BUNYAN, ship, Capt. Henry, from London 17th April.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

'Water Police Court - John Read, David Williamson and James Towns, having been drunk and disorderly on ship John Bunyan, were fined 40 shillings each or 48 hours imprisonment. Isaac Sandon, 2nd officer of JOHN BUNYAN, charged James Towns with a violent assault.'
(Sydney Empire)

'JOHN BUNYAN, ship, Capt. Henry, 466 tons, cleared for London.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

JOHN BUNYAN, ship, Capt. Henry, sailed 6th May for Guam [Pacific Islands].
(Sydney Empire)

'JOHN BUNYAN, ship, Capt. Henry, arrived from Manilla 12th Sept.'
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Report of trial at Wellington [N.Z.] 5 March of part of crew of JOHN BUNYAN, of Aberdeen. JOHN BUNYAN, Capt. Joseph Allan, sailed from London 10 Nov. 1860 for Wellington direct with cargo and passengers. Close to the forecastle where the crew slept a quantity of bottled beer, part of the cargo, was stowed. On 19 Jan, vessel being on high seas, it was found bulkhead had been broken and beer extracted. Captain called crew up, but no information was given between this date and 18 Feb. General conduct of part of the crew was careless and negligent on 18 Feb. Greatest part of crew seemed to be in state of intoxification, to have disobeyed orders of officers and engaged in violence. Daniel McDonald, one of the ringleaders resisted being put in irons. Captain said he stepped between his officers and McDonald, presented his pistol and warned "the first one that shows resistance I shall fire". Captain reported McDonald struck him a blow on the arm, pistol fired and McDonald was killed. After great exertions the other ringleaders were put in irons, they being more or less intoxicated.
At trial 8 seamen pled guilty to larceny aboard ship and were imprisoned for 6 months. John McGarrity and Richard Cole were found guilty of making revolt and larceny aboard ship and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment. Evidence given by Capt. Allan, Chief Mate Thomas Barnett, 2nd Mate Alex. Davidson, 3rd mate Edward Callan and Carpenter John Elder. A bill for manslaughter had been brought in against Capt. Allan, but jury ignored it. Judge paid tribute to promptitude and determination of Captain and his officers.
(Aberdeen Journal)

02/09/1862: Provisional certificate of registration issued 2nd Sept 1862, the previous certificate having been left the previous May in Wellington, New Zealand, as per a letter from the master in London.

'Aberdeen clipper ship JOHN BUNYAN, Capt. Allen, arrived Port Philip Heads [Victoria, Australia] having on board Mr Harris, sailing master, plus 5 seamen of Steamship London. London had reported on her arrival nine days ago that they had been drowned in trying to save a man who fell overboard 21st November. They were picked up by the whaler Henry Tabor, off Triaidada and were put aboard JOHN BUNYAN next day (with their boat). Boat's crew were in a very exhausted condition. Mr Harris and the boat's crew wished to thank Capt. Allen, his officers and crew for their kindness.'
(Gippsland Times)

'JOHN BUNYAN sailed from Melbourne 2nd February for Launceston.'
(Murray Advertiser)

'Ship JOHN BUNYAN, Capt. J. Allen, in harbour loading for London.'
(Launceston Examiner, Tasmania)

'Capt. J Allen, of ship JOHN BUNYAN, loading for London, was fined with costs on charge of having made false reports of loading his ship inwards by omitting a number of packages containing herrings, which had been disposed of to a storekeeper in Launceston.'
(Launceston Examiner, Tasmania)

'JOHN BUNYAN, ship, sailed 18th March for London.'
(Launceston Examiner)

Lloyds Classification 9A1
Yellow metalled - 1848
Part yellow metalled - 1850/51/53/55/57/60/63/65/68
Some repairs - 1860/63/68
New keelson and spars - 1857/60
Lengthened - 1863.
Walter Hood & Co.
sepia toned photograph of clipper 'rifleman'
February 1860
"Thermopylae" - Clipper Ship
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
Walter Hood & Co.
September 1869
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
August 1879
Walter Hood & Co.
June 1852
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
August 1862
Smyrna", Aberdeen White Star Line Clipper Ship
Walter Hood & Co.
July 1876
Walter Hood & Co.
March 1864
Walter Hood & Co.
April 1863
Alexander HALL & Co.
5 October 1865