Shipbuildervessel built by
Alexander HALL & Co.
(Footdee, Aberdeen)
DateJune 1864
Object NameCLIPPER
Dimensionslength 189' x breadth 33' x depth 21.2'
gross tonnage 997 tons
gross tonnage 997 tons
Object numberABDSHIP001126
Yard Number: 238
Official Number: 48940
Fate: wrecked at Rozel, Cotetin peninsula, France, 5 March 1880
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Ship rigged clipper, 3 masts, poop deck 55', forecastle 39', iron beams.
1864: Robert Henderson, registered at Glasgow (Builder's list held in the Lloyd's Library of the Aberdeen Maritime Museum).
1865-72: Albion Shipping Co., registered at Glasgow (Lloyd's)
1873-76: Shaw, Savill & Co., registered at London
1877-79: Cummins & Co., registered at Bristol
1865-67: Master P. Sellar
1868-70: Master Lynch
1871-72: Master J. Tilley
1873-75: Master Steven
1876: Master D. T. Roberts
1877-79: Master J. Evans
Voyages (Lloyd's):
1865-67: Aberdeen - New Zealand.
1868-72: Clyde - New Zealand.
1873: London - New Zealand
General History:
Emigration from Clyde to New Zealand - the beautiful new Aberdeen-built clipper ship EDWARD P. BOUVERIE of Messrs. Patrick Henderson & Co.'s Line of New Zealand Packets. Embarked her passengers at Gourock Bay and after being cleared by the emigration officers bailed for Otago, N.Z. She has on board, beside her cabin and steerage passengers, a very large cargo of general merchandise.
(Glasgow Herald)
Launched from building yard of Messrs A. Hall & Co. at Aberdeen, a fine clipper ship of 996 tons named EDWARD P. BOUVERIE. Vessel is built on the new principle, wood and iron, is the property of a scotch firm & intended for Australia and New Zealand trade.
(Sydney Morning Herald)
Otago, N.Z. - clipper ship EDWARD P. BOUVERIE, from the Clyde, was signalled at daylight as having arrived at the heads. Tug steamer FAVOURITE went to tow her in, but wind having begun to blow strongly from SW and the tide having turned, she is not likely to reach port before noon Saturday. Vessel sailed from Greenock 12 August, had total of 114 souls aboard (41 officers and men, 73 passengers). Dr. James Copland, medical officer, reports 1 case sea sickness during most of passage, 1 case intermittent fever in tropics & 1 case acute laryngitis. She is a very fine new ship and has been built expressly for Messrs. Patrick Henderson & Co. Commanded by Capt. Brown.
(Melbourne Age)
EMIGRATION TO NEW ZEALAND. The fine clipper ship EDWARD P. BOUVERIE, belonging the Albion Shipping Co., and forming one of Messrs. P- Henderson & Co.’s Line of Clyde and New Zealand packets, embarked her passengers at the Tail-of-the-Bank Tuesday last, and on the following day proceeded her voyage in tow of the CONQUEROR, by which steamer she was left on Thursday morning at o'clock off the Rinns of Islay, with a fair wind, which would take her clear of land before night. The EDWARD P. BOUVERIE has board 124 passengers, besides large and valuable cargo of general merchandise.
(Glasgow Evening Citizen)
Ship EDWARD P. BOUVERIE from Glasgow for Otago, was spoken 23 Dec. 40.125 Lat., 28E Long (South of Cape of Good Hope).
(Melbourne Argus)
Arrived Otago 27 Jan. after pleasant passage of 95 days. All passengers landed in good health and expressed themselves highly satisfied with treatment by Capt. Lynch and Officers.
(Glasgow Herald)
EDWARD P. BOUVERIE at Gravesend 23 Sept. from Otago.
(Ballart Star)
Newcastle, 5 May, EDWARD P. BOUVERIE, ship, master Tilly. From Dunedin, N.Z.
(Sydney Morning Herald)
Has just returned from her 5th voyage to the Colony, sails for Otago from Glasgow 15 August.
(Glasgow Herald)
EDWARD P. BOUVERIE, ship, arrived 10 Dec. from Wellington, N.Z.
(Freeman's Journal (Sydney))
EDWARD P. BOUVERIE, Captain Stevens, sailed 19 Dec. for Newcastle (NSW) in ballast.
(Sydney Mail)
Newcastle, 10 Jan. - EDWARD P. BOUVERIE, master Stevens, sailed for Adelaide with 1140 tons coal.
(Sydney Morning Herald)
Adelaide, 13 Feb. - EDWARD P. BOUVERIE, Henry Stevens master, sailed for London via Port Pirie (S. Australia, near Adelaide).
(Adelaide Observer)
Newcastle, NSW - EDWARD P. BOUVERIE arrived 12 April from Bluff Harbour (S. Island, N.Z.).
(Adelaide Evening Journal)
Newcastle - EDWARD P. BOUVERIE, Roberts master, sailed 2 June for Hong Kong with 1136 tons coal.
(Maitland Mercury)
The large ship EDWARD P. BOUVERIE of Bristol, 1002 tons, bound from Java to Falmouth for orders with a cargo of sugar valued at £40,000, in making the English Channel during the heavy gale of Wednesday night, struck on a rock at Rozel near Cherbourg and foundered. She was a total loss with her cargo. The whole of the crew, 30 in number, are supposed to have perished.
(Preston Guardian)
Particulars supplied by the owners, Cummins & Co., Bristol - "British Consulate, Cherbourg, 5 March 1880: [...] the barque fired guns and distress signals and the cries from on board were distinctly heard, but unfortunately there were in that locality there were no boats or any means of rendering assistance. It is said that rockets and lights were seen about 7pm [...] they are supposed to have been from the barque. She struck at about 9.30pm, when the cries of those aboard, and until about 10 o'clock or thereabouts, when all lights disappeared, and it is evident that at that moment the vessel must have broken up [...] 7 bodies have been washed ashore, all of them fine able-bodied men, apparently seamen [...] several of the seamen were supported by lifebuoy - one in the posture of swimming. But none could be resuscitated [...] nothing to indicate that Captain Evans's body was among them".
(Bristol Mercury and Daily Post)
Notes: Contract cost £19,288 or £18 15s. per ton (Builder's list held in the Lloyd's Library of the Aberdeen Maritime Museum).
Re-rigged as a barque 1876.