Shipbuildervessel built by
Hall, Russell & Company, Limited
(Aberdeen, Scotland, 1864 - 1992)
DateFebruary 1870
Object NameSTEAMER
Dimensionslength 126 1/3' x breadth 24 7/12' x depth 10'
Gross Tonnage: 239 ton
Gross Tonnage: 239 ton
Object numberABDSHIP001813
Yard Number: 169
Fate: stranded at Atawa, Mie prefecture, Japan, 1 November 1876.
Propulsion: Steam
Description: 1 deck, 2 masts, brig rigged, round stern, iron frame, screw steam ship.
1870: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owner;
John Cardno Couper of Cragiebuckler Aberdeen and of Whampoa, Japan, 64 shares.
John Couper empowered Phineas Ryrie, residing in Hong Kong or Edward Carey Smith residing in Shanghai, both merchants, to sell the ship at any port in China or Japan, for a sum no less than £500 within 24 months from 4 March 1870.
Registration cancelled when vessel sold to a new owner in Nagasaki, 8 November 1870.
(Source: Aberdeen Shipping Register (Aberdeen City Archives))
General History:
WRECK OF A JAPANESE GUNBOAT. The Japan Garette confirms the news of the wreck of the gunboat Unyo-kuan. During very heavy weather, she tried to make the barbour of Kutan-ura, but was too far to leeward, and was driven towards the island of O-oshima, at the entrance to the Ki-i channel. When about 26 miles northward of that island, and when under only two reefed topsails and a reefed foresail, her rudder was carried away, and she was borne by the wind and sea towards the coast of Nippon, where she was thrown ashore at a spot known as Atawa-mura. Here she now lies beam on to the sea, embedded in loose shingle only 50 feet from the shore. Eight officers and 15 of the crew were washed overboard and drowned.
(Newcastle Courant)
Length of engine room 18.5ft, 2 engines, direct acting, horizontal, British made 1869.
UN'YO (雲揚, Rising Cloud) MARU (a generic term for a ship), spelled as WUN YO MARU in the Hall, Russell & Co. Builder's List in the Lloyd's Library of the Aberdeen Maritime Museum.
Wikipedia has this ship as built by A. Hall & Co. but it is not in the A. Hall builder's list.