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Image Not Available for Fibre Optic Gastroscope
Fibre Optic Gastroscope
Image Not Available for Fibre Optic Gastroscope

Fibre Optic Gastroscope

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, founded 1739)
Object NameGastroscope
Mediumplastic, metal
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
DimensionsCase: 9.8 x 77 x 39.5cm
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS081487
About MeThis was the first Fibreoptic gastroscope used at the Royal Infirmary. It was used for about 5 years, until a more sophisticated scopes were available. The scope itself cannot be immersed in water so in order to clean the instrument ater use, soapy water had to sucked through the tube, and then air blown threw to dry it.