British Red Cross Society Life Member's Badge
AssociatedAssociated with
L R Slessor
(Registered General Nurse)
AwarderAwarded by
British Red Cross Society
(founded 1870)
Date1934 - 1938
Object NameBadge
Mediumenamelled brass
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
Dimensions3.8 x 2.6cm
AcquisitionKenneth A Webster Nursing Collection.
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS032184.2
The British Red Cross Society started in 1870. It is one of over 100 national societies arising from Henri Dunant's proposals for National Aid Societies of volunteers to care for the sick and wounded on the battlefield. Dunant's proposals were adopted at the Geneva Convention 1863. The Red Cross also works to improve health and wellbeing in peacetime.
The red cross symbol is international. Dunant called it a "protective emblem" designed to show that the wounded and those attending them were neutral in a conflict. The red cross symbol appears on all badges issued by the Society, which can be awarded for long service, merit or achievement.
British Red Cross Society
St John Ambulance Association