Dimensionslength 65'6" x breadth 18'5" x depth 10'4"
gross tonnage 92 tons
gross tonnage 92 tons
Object numberABDSHIP002968
Fate: wrecked near Occumster, Caithness, 21 September 1833.
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Schooner rigged (see note), single deck with beams; 1 deck, 2 masts, square stern, standing bowsprit, carvel built, no figurehead. Constructed of oak, larch, and fir.
1826: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
Andrew Phillips, cabinet maker, 4 shares; Nathan Bunting, glasscutter, 4 shares; John King, shipmaster, 4 shares.
Other shareholders:
William Phillips, upholsterer, 4 shares; James Smith, seedsman, 4 shares; Donald Shaw, painter, 4 shares; William Robertson, tailor, 4 shares; Andrew Allan, merchant, 4 shares; William Spark, merchant, 4 shares; Isaac Machray, waiter, 4 shares; Alexander Leslie, waiter, 4 shares; William Knox, agent, 4 shares; Oswald Sutherland, ironmonger, 4 shares; James Williamson, candlemaker, 4 shares; John Gall, builder, 4 shares; John Duncan, shoemaker, 4 shares; all Aberdeen.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))
1833: Owner Capt. & Co (John King) (Lloyd's)
1826-33: Master John King
Voyages (places surveyed):
1830-32: London
1833: Dublin
General History:
Aberdeen, 24th Sept. The EAGLE, Horn, of Aberdeen, missed stays 2lst inst. off the Coast of Caithness, and went upon a rock between Occumster and Clyth, she afterwards fell off and went down. Crew saved.”
(Lloyd's List)
EAGLE foundered off Caithness between Occumster and Clyth, Capt. Horne 21/09/1833.
(Ian G. Whittaker (1998), "Off Scotland: A Comprehensive Record of Maritime and Aviation Losses in Scottish Waters" (C-ANNE publishing, Edinburgh), p. 108)
Note: Schooner rigged in Lloyd's underwriters but hemaphrodite rigged in the Aberdeen register. Hermaphrodite denotes an irregular rig part way between two recognised types.
August 1824
November 1824
1 April 1825
22 June 1872
June 1826
11 May 1815
March 1805