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AB/Q/73 Lead Weight
AB/Q/73 Lead Weight
AB/Q/73 Lead Weight

AB/Q/73 Lead Weight

Date13th-14th Century
Object NameWeight
Mediumlead alloy
ClassificationsArchaeology Excavated
DimensionsLength: 9.6 cm
Max: 23mm, 12cm
Hole: 6mm
AcquisitionTransferred from the Scottish Development Department.
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS003720
AB/Q/73 Lead Alloy Waste
13th -14th Century
AB/Q/73 Shoe Sole
13th -14th Century
AB/Q/73 Ankle Boot
13th -14th Century
AB/Q/73 Lead Alloy Waste
13th -14th Century
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13th -14th Century