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AB/Q/73, 3 Lemonade Bottles
AB/Q/73, 3 Lemonade Bottles
AB/Q/73, 3 Lemonade Bottles

AB/Q/73, 3 Lemonade Bottles

Date19th -20th Century
Object NameBottle
ClassificationsArchaeology Excavated
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS003736
About MeQueen Street 1973
Site: Queen Street Midden Area
NGR: NJ 963 064
Place: Queen Street, Aberdeen
Ctext/Per: Unstratified
Meth/Date: Excavation 1973
Desc: Oval-shaped bottles; 1 rounded, 1 pointed and slightly flattened at base; 2 bottles have lettering: @ Aberdeen soda water company manufactures of aerated waters and @ J Schweppe & Co Genuinesuperior aerated waters 79 Margaret Street
Still life
Mary Paton
The Cafe
Edward Summerton
Empty Cafe
Gillian Reeley
E34 Building Materials
12th-early 20th Century