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Smoking Jacket
Smoking Jacket
Smoking Jacket
Smoking Jacket

Smoking Jacket

DateLate 19th century
Object NameJacket
Mediumwool and braiding
ClassificationsFashion and Dress
AcquisitionThe Peggy Walker Gift.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS006969
About MeWool smoking jacket with checked lining and Russian braid toggles.

Cigarette smoking was a habit introduced by men returning from the Crimean War. Cigars were already smoked but cigarettes soon became equally popular and gentlemen withdrew to a room set aside for the purpose where they put on a special jacket and cap to prevent the clothes and hair from smelling of stale smoke. The smoking jacket was cut like a short version of the dressing gown and was a garment to relax in.
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