Photograph of eight men onboard a ship with a Scotch boiler being hoisted
AssociatedAssociated with
John Lewis & Sons
(Aberdeen, Scotland, 1907 - 1976)
Dateearly 20th Century
Object NamePhotograph
DimensionsOverall (Height x Width): 162 x 213 mm
AcquisitionPresented in 2020 by Ronnie Sim.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS095757
About MeA black and white photograph of eight men aboard a vessel with a Scotch boiler being hoisted onboard, presumably to be fitted. The man on the left with his right arm raised is George Sim, who worked for John Lewis and Sons from the 1920s until his retirement in 1946.
Alexander Davidson Longmuir
John Henderson
William Brassey Hole