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Silver Cut Halfpenny
Cut Halfpenny
Silver Cut Halfpenny
Silver Cut Halfpenny

Cut Halfpenny

Issuer (Scotland, c.1084 - 1153)
Datec. 1150
Object NameHalfpenny
DimensionsMax: Diameter: 18 mm
Weight: Weight: 0.38 gm
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS030908
About MeIn the 12th century when the silver penny was the sole coin being minted in Scotland and England the only means of giving change was by cutting a penny in half using the cross on the reverse as a guide. If necessary the coin could be cut again at right angles to the first cut to produce farthings, i.e. 'fourthings'.

Scottish cut halfpennies are particularly rare but this example was found in Aberdeen in 1974 during excavations inside St Nicholas Church in the city centre. It is probably from the reign of David I (1124-1153) and is thus among the very earliest of such coins in existence.

Cut Halfpenny (John)
King John
Silver Penny(2nd Coinage)
King David II
Groat (First Head : David II)
King David II
1350 - 1371
Halfpenny (Second Coinage)
King Alexander III
c. 1280
Silver Halfpenny
King Robert the Bruce