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Image Not Available for Panaromic View of San Francisco (Copy of Watercolour)
Panaromic View of San Francisco (Copy of Watercolour)
Image Not Available for Panaromic View of San Francisco (Copy of Watercolour)

Panaromic View of San Francisco (Copy of Watercolour)

Artist (Newburgh, Scotland, 1883 - 1959)
Datec. 1941
Object NameReproduction
Mediumlithograph on paper
DimensionsReproduction: 22.2 × 148.7cm
Note: 6.8 × 20.2cm
AcquisitionPresented in 1988 by Mrs Marguerite McBey.
Copyright© Aberdeen City Council (McBey Collection)
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDAG008304
About MeBlack and white reproduction of the watercolour Panoramic View of San Francisco by James McBey. An annotation beneath the image explains "James McBey, the Scotch artist was arrested by our over diligent Intelligence for making this sketch. The original is in Chinese ink on Chinese paper."

An accompanying note handwritten by Marguerite McBey also explains;

"Copy of watercolour found in the car at Santa Barbara which landed us in the jail until rescued by an F.B.I agent (just after outbreak of the U.S - Japanese War 1941?)"

This object is part of an archive that belonged to Marguerite McBey. As a result of her generosity, Aberdeen Art Gallery holds the largest archive of James McBey's work, including prints, drawings, sketchbooks, oil paintings and memorabilia such as this reproduction.
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