Aberdeen Corporation Electricity Works Staff and Employees 12th April 1905
AssociatedAssociated with
Aberdeen Corporation Tramways
(Aberdeen, Scotland)
PhotographerPhotographed by
G. and W. Morgan
Date12th April 1905
Object NamePhotograph
Dimensions56.9 x 44.4cm
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS069714
About MeOpened in March 1903 the Corporation Electricity Works on Millburn Street (formerly Dee Village) was a sign of the determination of the city to exploit the new power source. Previous to this electricity generation had been carried out adjacent to and part of the town's Gas Department on Cotton Street. The new plant was extensive with eight steam engines and dynamos supplying close to four thousand kilowatts of power. Apart from street, domestic and commercial lighting being supplied the works also generated electricity for the rapidly expanding system of electric trams.Unknown Photographer
late 19th-early 20th Century