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Shipbuilder (Footdee, Aberdeen)
DateMarch 1825
Dimensionsgross tonnage 129 tons
Object numberABDSHIP000930
About MeYard: Alexander Hall & Co
Yard Number: 44

Fate: lost on the Danish coast, 28 October 1862

Propulsion: Sail
Description: Snow rigged, 1 deck, 2 masts, standing bowsprit, square stern, carvel built, no figurehead.

1825: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
John Webster, 4 shares; James Nicol, 4 shares; both advocates; John Morgan, shipmaster, 8 shares.
Other owners in 1825: Peter Nicol, Old Aberdeen, 12 shares; Alexander Nicol, merchant, 16 shares, plus other not named.
1836: Owner Alexander Nicol, merchant, and James Nicol, advocate and Matthew Smith, shipmaster
(Source Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))

1825-33: Master John Morgan
1834-36: Master M. Smith
1836-38: Master J. Whyte
1838-41: Master Alexander
1843-46: Master M. Mouet

Voyages (Lloyd's underwriters)
1826: London coaster
1827-28: Cork - Liverpool
1830-32: Leith coaster
1833: London coaster
1834-36: Aberdeen - London
1837-38: Aberdeen coaster
1838-41: London - Aberdeen
1843-46: Aberdeen coaster

General History:
To be sold by public roup (if not previously by private bargain) all & whole the brig BANCHORY, 122 tons register new measurement or 125 o.m. She got new topsails a few years ago and is otherwise in good repair and well found. Is expected to arrive here with coals in a few days. Particulars from A. and N. Nichol, 60 Marischal Street, Aberdeen.
(Aberdeen Journal)

"Captain Hindson of the brig BANCHORY, of Seaham, which was lost on the Danish coast, on the 28th ult [October], has written to the Shipping Gazette, acknowledging the great: kindness shown to himself add crew, by the master, officers and crew of the TIGER, (ss), by which steamer they arrived at Hull, from Hamburg, on the 2nd instant [November]"
(Hull Packet)

Note: A refit was completed in September 1838 by A. Hall & Co., which consisted of new topsides, and new decks and covering boards and a billet figurehead.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))