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Ogden's Cigarette Cards: Bird's Eggs Series - Blackcap's Egg
Ogden's Cigarette Cards: Bird's Eggs Series - Blackcap's Egg
Ogden's Cigarette Cards: Bird's Eggs Series - Blackcap's Egg


About MeBranch of the Imperial Tobacco Co. (of Great Britain & Ireland), Ltd.
Dundee, Scotland, founded 1851
Broadford Works Aberdeen, 1842-1864
Broadford Works, 1808 - 2002
Mary Esslemont
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1891 - 1984
Brigadier Frost Pasha
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1838 - 1902
George Washington Wilson by Sir George Reid
Alvah, Banffshire, Scotland, 1823 - 1893
Ernestine Mills
Hastings, England, 1871 - 1959
Brampton Bryan
Trewlany, Jamaica
George Cassie & Son Ltd
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1822 - 1982
Thomas Edward Lawrence
Tremadog, Wales, 1888 - 1935
The Stream by Gustave Courbet
Ornans, France, 1819 - 1877
Fraserburgh, Scotland, 1838 - 1911
Hugh Harper
1831 - 1912
Star of the Isles, Invitation to launch at Hall Russell & Co. Ltd.
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1900 - 1986
Clipper Ship, built 1850
George Shepherd Registered Chemist and Druggist by Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1913 - 1985
Stoke-on-Trent, England, 1793 - 1968