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"Jho-Sho-Maru" Barque Rigged Steam Gunboat built for Japan by Alexander Hall.  Commissioned by …
Jho Sho Maru
"Jho-Sho-Maru" Barque Rigged Steam Gunboat built for Japan by Alexander Hall.  Commissioned by …
"Jho-Sho-Maru" Barque Rigged Steam Gunboat built for Japan by Alexander Hall. Commissioned by Thomas Glover

Jho Sho Maru

barque-rigged steamer, built 1868
About MeOne of Hall's best known ships was Jho Sho Maru, a barque-rigged steamer, built for the Japanese Navy in 1868. This wooden corvette had a belt of iron armour plating at the waterline and carried eight 64 pounder guns and two 100 pounder guns. Unfortunately, due to a miscalculation of costs, the firm actually lost £500 on the project.

This ship was unlucky for another reason. Jho Sho Maru was almost complete when a fire broke out nearby. James Hall was afraid the warship would be burned and rushed to the scene. He ordered that Jho Sho Maru be pulled into the middle of the dock, away from the flames. However, while helping to fight the blaze, James suffered a fatal heart attack, probably brought on by his earlier anxiety.

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