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Marriage Certificate for Hugh Wilson and Margaret Moir
Hugh Wilson
Marriage Certificate for Hugh Wilson and Margaret Moir
Marriage Certificate for Hugh Wilson and Margaret Moir

Hugh Wilson

Aberdeen, Scotland, died 1892
About MeHugh Wilson was and Aberdeen confectioner. His first shop was on James Street, which opened about 1838. About 1845 he moved to 47 Regent Quay where he remained until 1868. He died on the 27th May 1892. At the time his home was 9 King's Crescent, Aberdeen.
Granting of Royal Warrant
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1823 - 1906
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1831 - 1912
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Inverurie, Scotland, 1819 - 1879
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Invergordon, Scotland, 1872 - 1905
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Peter George Wilson
Keith, Moray, 1843 - 1925
Chemist Shop 205 Union Street
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1834
Dundee, Scotland, founded 1851
Rock Drill Arrangement
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R D Lawrence
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1892 - 1968
Two Silver Communion Beakers from St Clement's Church made by George Booth and Sons
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Aberdeen, Scotland, 1843 - 1914
George Jamesone
Aberdeen, Scotland, c.1589 - 1644
Sir Thomas Sutherland
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1834 - 1922
Andrew Horner
Kincardine, Scotland, 1864 - 1959