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The Wedding Bell
The Wedding Bell
The Wedding Bell

The Wedding Bell

Aberdeen, Scotland
About MeBridal shop once based at Schoolhill, Aberdeen.
George Jamesone
Aberdeen, Scotland, c.1589 - 1644
Velour Hat
Italy, died 1950
Eric Gill
Brighton, England, 1882 - 1940
Aberdeen Central School
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1905 - 1969
Aberdeen Regional Museum
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1937 - 1975
Pat Grant's
Aberdeen, Scotland
Aberdeen, Scotland
Wine Cloche Hat
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1878 - 1954
John G Murray
Aberdeen, Scotland
Embroidered Silk Wedding Dress
Aberdeen, Scotland
Ivory Wedding Dress
Aberdeen, Scotland
Mrs Smith
Aberdeen, Scotland
Black Ordinary Mourning Dress
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1839 - 1891
Front of Photograph
active 1879 - 1886
Chemist Shop 205 Union Street
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1834
Marriage Certificate for Hugh Wilson and Margaret Moir
Aberdeen, Scotland, died 1892
Cream Brocade Evening Bodice
Blackburn, England
Harper and Company
Aberdeen, founded 1857
The Rubber Shop
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1890 - 1986
Grandholm Mills
Aberdeen, Scotland