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Image Not Available for Kay Ross
Kay Ross
Image Not Available for Kay Ross

Kay Ross

About MeKay Ross was a specialist hat shop with very high standards and classy appeal!
Chemist Shop 205 Union Street
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1834
Four Masted Barque In Bottle
Peterhead, Scotland
Dundee, Scotland, founded 1851
Granting of Royal Warrant
1839 - 1922
Raban Plaque St Nicholas Kirk
Worcestershire, England, 1579 - 1658
Stoneywood Papermill
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1700s - 2022
Frances Farquharson
Seattle, Portland, USA, 1903 - 1991
James Jeffrey Grant
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1883 - 1960
'Shooting Star' Brooch by Georg Jensen
Copenhagen, Denmark, 1918 - 1981
Eric Gill
Brighton, England, 1882 - 1940
Bill Gibb
New Pitsligo, Scotland, 1943 - 1988
George Shepherd Registered Chemist and Druggist by Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1913 - 1985
Letter Regarding Red Water Cure
Wholesale Druggists & Manufacturing Chemists, Dublin
Black and white photograph showing the deck of the factory trawler 'Fairtry' looking forward fr…
factory stern trawler built in Aberdeen in 1954
Captain Norman Ross certificate of competency as master of a foreign going ship
Aberdeen, Scotland, born 1940
John Lewis & Sons
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1907 - 1976
Gwynneth Holt
Wednesbury, England, 1909 - 1995