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Focusing on the people, ships or organisations represented in the collection. Browse and refine your search by the type of record, discover everyone currently celebrated at Provost Skene's House, or find people who came from or are associated with a particular place. The results will display in alphabetical order, but you can reorder them by their dates or the place associated with them.
35 results
Dorothea Dartnell
Edderton, Ross, Scotland, born 1947
Elizabeth Dauncey
London, England, 1506 - 1564
Majel Davidson
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1885 - 1969
Fiona Dean
Glasgow, Scotland, born 1962
Les Femmes de la Révolution by Ian Hamilton Finlay
Meulan, France, 1764 - 1822
Les Femmes de la Révolution by Ian Hamilton Finlay
Paris, France, 1765 - 1843
Rebecca de Quin
London, England, born 1958
Les Femmes de la Révolution by Ian Hamilton Finlay
Paris, France, 1768 - 1817