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Focusing on the people, ships or organisations represented in the collection. Browse and refine your search by the type of record, discover everyone currently celebrated at Provost Skene's House, or find people who came from or are associated with a particular place. The results will display in alphabetical order, but you can reorder them by their dates or the place associated with them.
164 results
Johann Joachim Kaendler
Germany, 1706 - 1775
Helen Kalvak
Tahiryuak Lake, Victoria Island, Canada, 1901 - 1984
Tall Tin-plated Copper Vase
Tokyo, Japan, born 1962
Navy Hat With Veil
Cleator, Cumbria, England, founded 1938
Stanislawa de Karlowska
Lowicz, Poland, 1876 - 1952
Royal Palace, Stockholm, Sweden, 1826 - 1872
Der Stefansturm In Wien by Luigi Kasimir
Ptuj, Slovenia, 1881 - 1962
New York City, New York, USA, born 1949