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27-37 Virginia Street
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27-37 Virginia Street

DescriptionExcavations in 1978-9 recorded medieval and post-medieval features. A trial trench in 1978 on the slope behind the street frontage revealed a post medieval cobbled surface sealing 0.85m of medieval deposits. Excavation in 1979 recorded medieval layers of sand and gravel containing 14th century pottery, with the remains of wooden posts dated to the 13th to 14th century. One pit is thought to be of 15th- to 17th-century date. A stone-built clay-bonded drain was of 18th or 19th-century origin. The finds from this site are in the collections of Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums.
Location InfoNational Grid Reference: NJ 9458 0630
Easting: 394581.10268642, Northing: 806305.12290854
Postcode: AB11 5AZ
NotesMurray, C. (1978b) 'Virginia Street, medieval deposits', Discovery Excav Scot, 1978. Page(s): 9, No.42 Stones, J. (1979a) '21-37 Virginia Street/ 42 Virginia Street: posts, pottery/ foundations, posts', Discovery Excav Scot, 1979. Page(s): 12, No.67 Stones, J. (1982j) '21-37 Virginia Street 1979', in Murray, J C, Excavations in the medieval burgh of Aberden 1973-81, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series No.2. Edinburgh. Page(s): 114 See Dennison, E. and Stones, J. (1997). Historic Aberdeen. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland. 69-72, for more context. Reference Numbers
  • NJ90NW0072
  • NJ90NW109
  • 20008