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Shipbuilder (Footdee, Aberdeen)
Date6 November 1839
Object NameBRIG
MediumWOOD; Oak, Birch, Fir & Larch
Dimensionslength 80'8" x breadth 18'5" x depth 12'5"
gross tonnage 155 34/3500 tons
Object numberABDSHIP000980
About MeYard: Alexander Hall & Co.
Yard Number: 94

Fate: unknown, last in Lloyd's 1850 (W18)

Propulsion: Sail
Description: 1 Deck, 2 sail masts, standing bowsprit, square sterned, carvel built, no galleries, female bust figurehead, built with oak, birch, fir & larch

1839: registered at Aberdeen for owners;
William Donald, shipowner, Aberdeen 48 shares; George Thomson Jr., shipowner, Aberdeen 8 shares; Robert Donald, shipmaster, Aberdeen 8 shares.
23/11/1850: Vessel registration cancelled.
(Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))

1840-46: Master R. Donald
1847: Master James Clark
1848-50: Master John Buchan

Voyages (Lloyd's):
1840: Aberdeen - London
1841-42: Aberdeen - Hull
1843-46: Aberdeen coaster
1849: Aberdeen coaster

General History:
Disaster at Sea.—The JULIA, Captain Smith, which sailed from Aberdeen, on Tuesday, for Newcastle, with ballast, foundered about forty miles off St Abb's Head, on Thursday. The JULIA had been making much water for some time precious the catastrophe, in consequence of a heavy westerly gale, and, from the nature her ballast, which was of the common harbour kind, the water mixed up with it, and could not be pumped out. The WANDERER, Buchan, which left Aberdeen the same day as the JULIA, being windward of her, observed her distress, and immediately ran down upon her for the purpose of rendering assistance. A hawser was made fast to the two vessels The WANDERER's boat was sent along to the JULIA, and succeeded in rescuing captain and crew, shortly after which she went down. The captain and crew saved nothing— not even their body clothes, the ship's boat. The JULIA was insured. The WANDERER was put back to Aberdeen, stress of weather, and landed the JULIA's crew there, on Thursday. The captain and crew of the JULIA speak in the highest terms of the exertions made Captain Buchan and his orew, who, with great difficulty, succeeded in rescuing them from watery grave. We understand Captain Buchan is native Johnshaven.
(Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh))

Note: Cost at construction, £1058 (Builder's List in Aberdeen Maritime Museum)

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