Shipbuildervessel built by
Nicol Reid & Co.
(Footdee, Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1790)
Date10 April 1822
Dimensionslength: 82'10" x breadth 23' 11" x depth 15'4"
gross tonnage: 190 tons
gross tonnage: 190 tons
Object numberABDSHIP001654
Fate: unknown, last in Lloyd's register 1863 (Q9)
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Brigantine rigged, 1 deck, 2 masts, standing bowsprit, square stern, carvel built, woman figurehead
1825: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
Robert Catto, merchant 24 shares; William Donald, merchant, 3 shares; Alex Anderson, shipmaster, 5 shares.
plus seven other shareholders:
William Simpson, 3 shares; George Pirie, 5 shares; William Pirie, 5 shares; George Thomson, 5 shares; William Catto, 8 shares; John Catto, 3 shares; William Donald, 3 shares; all Aberdeen merchants.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))
1852: Owner Parkinson (her master), now registered in Whitby (Lloyd's)
1825-33: Master Alex Anderson
1839-46: Master W. Stephen
1847-51: Master R. Hadden
1852-63: Master Parkinson
Voyages (Lloyd's Register, which sometimes conflict with the press reports given below):
1832-33: Liverpool - Quebec
1834-35: Aberdeen - Quebec
1836-37: Aberdeen - Shields
1838-40: Aberdeen - Odessa
1841: Aberdeen - West Indies
1843-44: Aberdeen (no destination)
1847: Aberdeen - Stettin
1852: Sunderland - London
1854: Hartlepool coaster
1855: Hartlepool - France
1856-57: Hartlepool - the Baltic
General History:
1825: In April the QUEBEC PACKET took 4 cabin passengers to Quebec. In July she carried 4 cabin and 2 settlers also to Quebec. The ships master was Alexander Anderson.
1826: In April the QUEBEC PACKET took 19 passengers (19 steerage, 9 cabin - 4 female, 2 children, 3 male) to Quebec. Master A. Anderson.
1830: In April the QUEBEC PACKET took 3 cabin and 11 settlers to Quebec. Master A. Anderson.
1835: In August the QUEBEC PACKET took 3 passengers to Quebec. Master W. Stephen.
1837: In June the QUEBEC PACKET took 35 passengers to Quebec. Master W. Stephen.
1840: In 1840 large numbers of emigrants left Caithness and Sutherland from Cromary to go to Canada. 3 ships were contracted to carry them, including the QUEBEC PACKET. Although there was an economic depression at the time not all the passengers were poor. According to the Quebec Immigration agent, those who sailed in the QUEBEC PACKET "brought £800 to £1,000 in gold among them". She carried farmers, farm labourers and tradesmen most to settle in gore district. The QUEBEC PACKET plied the Atlantic twice a year between Aberdeen, Halifax or Quebec. She took mail, goods and passengers westward and timber eastward back to Aberdeen. In 1826 the QUEBEC PACKET left Aberdeen for Quebec with a cargo which included cheese, marmalade, barley, oatmeal, newspapers, seeds, wearing apparel, linen, cottons, woolens, leather and earthenware.
((Lucille H. Campey (2002), "'Fast Sailing and Copper-Bottomed': Aberdeen Sailing Ships and the Emigrant Scots they carried to Canada 1774-1855" (Natural Heritage Books, Toronto))
First spring ship for Quebec and Montreal. To clear out at Custom House 30 March, fine coppered brig QUEBEC PACKET, Capt. Anderson (a regular trader to Aberdeen). Will return to Aberdeen direct, being superior ship for ashes or dry goods. For rates of freight or passage (having excellent accommodation) apply Robert Catto, Aberdeen. [27/06/1832 - advert as above and "is soon expcted to arrive and will be despatched about 20 July"].
(Aberdeen Journal)
For sale by private contract, lying at Trinity Quay, well known brig QUEBEC PACKET, Capt. Anderson, 196 tons register, built Aberdeen 1822 of very best materials under inspection of present master. Was coppered 1830 and is abundantly found in stores of every description.
(Aberdeen Journal)
For Quebec well known coppered brig QUEBEC PACKET, William Stephen Commander, will sail 11 April. Excellent accommodation for cabin and steerage passengers. Robert Catto & Sons, who as agents for North American Land Co., will furnish emigrants with printed information about lands for sale in Canada.
(Aberdeen Journal)
For sale by public roup at Lemon Tree Tavern 6 Nov. 15/64ths of brig QUEBEC PACKET.
(Aberdeen Journal)
Passed through Pentland Firth 22 Nov. brig QUEBEC PACKET, Johnston, of and for Aberdeen, 39 days from Quebec.
(Caledonian Mercury)
For sale cargo of guano of superior quality, imported August last per brig QUEBEC PACKET from Patagonia, Robert Catto & Sons.
(Aberdeen Journal)
Arrived Clyde brig QUEBEC PACKET (196 tons), Hadden Master, of Aberdeen, from Girgenti [Sicily], sailed 14 Dec with cargo of sulphur for Glasgow. Had severe gales from NE and lost bulwarks etc. off Cape Finisterre.
(Glasgow Herald)
The QUEBEC PACKET, Parkinson, of Whitby, from Riga for London (oakwood), put in at Elsinore on the 10th inst struck by a heavy sea, decks swept
(Shields Daily Gazette )
Notes: Repairs etc. New deck 1835 - restored 1838 - damage repaired 1840 - more repairs 1848
March 1861