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Image Not Available for SIR WILLIAM WALLACE
Image Not Available for SIR WILLIAM WALLACE


Shipbuilder (Footdee, Aberdeen)
DateJanuary 1866
Object NameCLIPPER
Dimensionslength 195.6' x breadth 34.5' x depth 21.1'
gross tonnage 967 tons
Object numberABDSHIP000554
About MeYard: John Duthie, Sons & Co.
Official Number: 52594

Fate: Hulked 1892.

Propultion: Sail
Description: Ship rigged clipper, 2 decks with a poop and top gallant forecastle, 3 masts, Demi male figurehead.

18/01/1866: Registered at Aberdeen for original owners;
James Tulloch jr., shipowner, 8 shares; Lawrence Tulloch, merchant, 8 shares; Alexander Hector Taylor, shipmaster, 4 shares; Margaret Anderson, spinster, 4 shares; Alexander Burnet Whyte, merchant, 4 shares; John Sangster, druggist, 4 shares; Alexander Davidson, advocate, 4 shares; Alfred Gilchrist, doctor of philosophy, 4 shares: William Pyper, merchant, 4 shares [all Aberdeen]; John Hector, salmon fisher, Cove 4 shares; David Sinclair, farmer, Loirston 4 shares; Alexander Hector, shipowner, Buckless Quay 8 shares; George Arthur King, shipbroker, Leadenhall St., London 4 shares.
05/07/1866: James Tulloch jr. 4 shares to James Tulloch sr., shipowner.
12/07/1866: William Pyper 4 shares to David Donald, merchant, Aberdeen.
08/10/1869: David Donald 4 shares to William Pyper.
13/01/1871: On John Hector's death 23/08/1870, 2 shares to Ronald Campbell MacFie, gentleman, Aberdeen and 2 shares to James Mathieson, Fintray, gentleman.
(Aberdeen Register of Ships (Aberdeen City Archives))
1880-82: McIlwraith, McEacharn & Co., Aberdeen (Lloyd's)
1883-85: J. C. Ellis, Aberdeen.
1886-88: Timothy R. Brown, registered at Newcastle, NSW.
1890: J. C. Ellis, registered at Newcastle, NSW
1892: Dalgetty, & Co., registered at Sydney, NSW.

1866-71: Master A., Taylor
1876-81: Master J. Colville
1882: Master J. Gray
1883-87: Master F. B. Brown
1888-92: Master Skillon

Voyages (Lloyd's Register):
1866-68: Aberdeen - Australia

General History:
Wooden sailing ships built by Duthies in 1860's, like SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, "were lofty ships, setting skysails on each mast above single top gallants and double topsails".
David R. MacGregor (1984), "Merchant Sailing Ships 1850-1875" (Conway Maritime, London), p. 149)

In the Admiralty Court, London, action was raised by the Dutch ship HELEN AND ANNE against the ship SIR WILLIAM WALLACE of Aberdeen, which on her homeward voyage from Sydney, and while off the Lizard, on 4th December last, came into collision with the Dutch vessel, causing considerable damage. Court of opinion SIR WILLIAM WALLACE was solely to blame.
(Aberdeen Journal)

Ship SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, 968 tons, Capt. Colville, sailed from Gravesend on 18th inst. bound for Townsville, Queensland, and had on board following emigrants - 39 married men, 38 married women, 133 single men, 52 single women, 58 children between ages of 12 and 1 and 9 infants, making total of 328 souls. The single women are under the charge of Miss Macallister, Dr. Ryan acting as surgeon superintendent.
(Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper)

Intelligence received from Lloyds states that Aberdeen clipper ship SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, which left Adelaide, South Australia, on 5 May last with cargo of wool and other produce for London was spoken on 25 September by vessel which has just arrived Swansea. 75 guineas per cent were paid in beginning of week to effect reinsurances on her at Lloyd's Underwriters thinking some serious accident had happened to the vessel. She is 172 days at sea and reports having had a very bad passage round Cape Horn.
(Hull Packet and East Riding Times)

Health of immigrants having been checked, they were brought ashore by steam tug FITZROY, with a punt in tow to carry their luggage. SIR WILLIAM WALLACE left London 26 Nov. and Plymouth Dec. 4. Fresh N.W. wind for 24 hours, then NE for several days. Got SE trades in Latitude 21-20N [off NW Africa] with fine weather and light winds. Crossed equator 2 Jan., Gough's Island 19 Jan. and Meridian of the Cape 26 Jan. Moderate winds to Tasmania 29 Feb. and Sydney Heads 3 March and anchored off Rockhampton 12 March. Only accident 3 March when young man James Reynolds fell overboard. Lifeboat was lowered in 3 minutes, Chief Officer Mr Gray in charge. He could not swim and failed to catch a lifebuoy thrown to him. After 8 or 10 mins he was picked up insensible, but after an hour recovered. He was exceedingly fortunate and appears to have been kept afloat by air getting into 2 large pockets of his coat. Captain Colvin reports there is large cargo aboard, which will be partly unloaded Rockhampton and remainder at Townsville. He speaks well of general conduct of passengers and Dr. Hickling (completing his 7th voyage to colonies as surgeon) reports they were generally healthy during voyage with no deaths and 1 birth (a boy named William Wallace). Doctor reports 15 cases of measles and 2 of enteric fever. Passengers speak highly of good treatment received from Captain, Officers, crew, Doctor and Matron Miss Cairncross (who cared for female immigrants). The young women are of good character, considerable no. having been used to dairying work and some domestic service. Men have principally been agricultural labourers and a few stonemasons, carpenters, etc. They appear well adapted for work and of the right stamp.
(Rockhampton (Queensland) Morning Bulletin)

Captain Gray reports that a few days after leaving Rockhampton weather became very bad, increasing to a hurricane. This continued for 3 days and several sails were blown away. After that weather abated somewhat, but ship was now leaking. Pumps were kept going and after about a week ship became unmanageable. Crew wished to leave the ship, but Capt. Gray persuaded them to stand by her, one man through a heavy lurch of the vessel fell overboard. Boat was immediately lowered, but could not rescue the man, A. B. Happle from London. Crew of boat were hoisted back aboard, but because of weather boat could only be towed astern and ultimately broke away and was lost. A few days later crew refused duty for 2 hours, but they were again pesuaded to man the pumps and pumped the vessel out. Ultimately the SIR WILLIAM WALLACE was brought to anchor in Kepple Bay.
(Rockhampton Morning Bulletin)

Case against Chief Officer of SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, David Longhill of Sydney, was preferred by the Master, Capt. Brown and heard in the Hong Kong Marine Court. Captain said on 10 May while at sea he gave Longhill orders to cast the lead very 2 hours, but he said he had better be given the orders in writing. He walked alongside Capt. on the poop and pushed over the starboard rail and later made a rush at him with his shoulder, hustled him against the rail and seized him by the throat. Court found that, although the manner of the defendent towards the master appeared to have been most disrespectful, they did not consider there was enough evidence to prove misconduct, court directed that he be discharged from the ship, but his certificate would not be dealt with.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

The colonial barque SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, which left Sydney for Shanghai 27 Jan, with cargo of coal (1,400 tons) returned to port this afternoon in a crippled condition. During recent heavy weather mainmast and all gear above it were carried away.
(South Australian Register)

Trial continued in case brought by James Cole Ellis against South British Fire & Marine Insurance Co. to recover £1000, the amount of an insurance policy on ship SIR WILLIAM WALLACE. Vessel was insured before she left for Shanghai. After she got back to Sydney for repairs owner subsequently decided to apply for the insurance instead of going to expense of repairs, which he claimed would have been greater than value of the ship. After insurance co. disputed claim vessel had been sold for £332. Insurance co.'s claim was that vessel was unseaworthy at beginning of voyage, but jury found against them on this point and decided there was evidence of a constructive total loss. Case continued on grounds (supported by Chief Justice) that jury had not returned a reasonable verdict. Chief Justice argued jury must have disregarded evidence of logbook, which showed vessel encountered no heavy weather and yet within 2 or 3 days at sea had to put back to port and must therefore have been unseaworthy when she put to sea. New trial ordered.
(Newcastle Morning Herald)

Note: re-rigged as a barque 1877
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
August 1879
Walter Hood & Co.
16 July 1877
March 1874
April 1869
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July 1878
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July 1868
Walter Hood & Co.
2 January 1858
Staff of A. Hall Shipbuilders, in front Of Coulnakyle and Natal Star, under construction
Alexander HALL & Co.
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
August 1862
"Thermopylae" - Clipper Ship
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
15 February 1858
b/w photograph of clipper ship 'yalaroi'
Alexander HALL & Co.
Smyrna", Aberdeen White Star Line Clipper Ship
Walter Hood & Co.
July 1876
April 1864
July 1872